Come creare la tua lista di hashtag per avere più like su Instagram.

Do you want to increase the number of likes per post? In this article, you will learn how to create your hashtag list to increase your engagement rate.

I left you in a hurry. But you know, the rush is bad counselor and is also the enemy of the like. When placed, armed immediately with a little patience and above all the right hashtags.

Here's what you need:

  • a list of popular hashtags related to your post
  • a list of less popular hashtags related to your post

Let's move on to a practical example: I want to post a photo taken on the beach in Cyprus.

Apro Google Keep (o una qualsiasi app per prendere appunti che mi permetterà di costruire un database dal quale attingere in futuro) e creo una lista di popular hashtag.

Come faccio a creare la mia lista hashtag?


  1. I transform everything I see in the picture, in hashtag in Italian (#sabbia #spiaggia #mare #sole #cielo ...) or in English (#sand #beach #sea #sun #sky ...) or in the language of my target.
  2. I add some more abstract hashtags like: #summer, # summer2017, #relax, #travel etc.
  3. insert some community hashtags: #iggers, #travelblogger ...;
  4. I delete the most banal to save about twenty.

Now stylize the list of less popular hashtag (with less post at the active). Returning to my example, I insert:

  1. #cipro (in the language of the targets I want to reach), # nomelocalità, #nomespiaggia, #nomebeachbar, #nomehotelfamosodellazona;
  2. #nomidialtrespiaggefamosenellazonamanontroppodiversedallaspiaggiadellafoto;
  3. I count the total hashtags (popular and less popular) and if they are more than 30, I remove someone from the popular ones.

Leggi bene prima di creare una lista di hashtag infinita

Non usare più di 30 hashtag otherwise Instagram will delete them during publication and the result will be disastrous: post without hashtag = few like.

Is there a way to get around this limit?

And above all, why did I make you create these two lists?

Non temere, ti svelo tutto nel mio prossimo articolo. Oppure leggi come Aumentare i Follower Instagram e riceverai preziosi consigli su come mettere il turbo al tuo Instagram.

Vuoi far crescere il tuo Instagram in modo organico e veloce? Scrivimi per una consulenza gratuita.

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