How to hack the number of hashtag in your posts.

Vuoi aumentare la tua visibilità e i tuoi like? In questo articolo imparerai ad aumentare il numero di Hashtag established by Instagram for each post.

Before starting, summarize what has already been said:

  1. when you make a post use 30 hashtag at most
  2. enter the hashtags in a comment.

Ok, ora però diamo un’accelerata e proviamo a superare i limiti infrangendo qualche regola. Obiettivo: aumentare il numero di hashtag consentito.

Here's how to increase the number of Hashtag:

  1. publish the photo
  2. enter 30 hashtags in a comment
  3. click on edit

    Edit post


  4. insert other 30 hashtags below the photo (other than those in the comment)
  5. confirm and publish

I recommend you follow the order of these operations slavishly otherwise you risk not reaping the fruits of such hard work.

In fact, if you enter 30 hashtags in the post and then try to insert another 30 in a comment, Instagram will not allow you to do so.

If everything goes the way it should go to your post will hunt like at double speed, thanks to the push of a turbo engine with 60 hashtags of power.

Ok, what else can I tell you ...

Do you want to know pros and cons of the methods listed?

Which of these use for my posts?

And above all, how do you end up between the 9 most popular post?

Good questions, right? Wait to see the answers.


Nei miei prossimi articoli. Scoprirai tante interessanti tecniche per aumentare il numero di follower e like su Instagram. 

Vuoi far crescere il tuo Instagram in modo organico e veloce? Scrivimi per una consulenza gratuita.

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