The best BOT Instagram 2019: discover the new ranking!

++AGGIORNATO NOVEMBRE 2019++ I have tested the main Bot Instagram using the same set of parameters for each one. I wrote a ranking in base a efficacia, prezzo, facilità di utilizzo e funzionalità. Il vincitore mi ha stupito.

Have you ever used a Bot Instagram?

Whatever your answer, I suggest you try the first in the ranking. Perché è il più facile da usare e perché è quello che mi ha fatto crescere di più (circa 150 nuovi follower reali e attivi a settimana).
Facile fin dall’inizio, basta solo registrarsi con la propria email. Poi se ti piace, prosegui e passi alla prova gratuita di 3 giorni. What do you want more?

Finora ti ho insegnato il miglior modo per utilizzare gli hashtag, le stories e le photo editing apps. Il tutto allo scopo di avere più followers e like, ma adesso è ora di mettere il turbo alla tua crescita. Sappi che per ottenere una buona crescita ci vorrà qualche mese e se non hai tempo per bot instagram e strategie organiche, ti consiglio di interrompere la lettura e comprare subito 1.000 follower.

Bot Instagram: what is it?

Instagram bot icon

The Bot Instagram can be a tool, a software, a site, an app, a web app. It is designed to perform automatically operations with your Instagram profile: Like, Follow, Unfollow, Direct and comments.
Why all this? Very easy, to stimulate positive reactions to your profile.
For example: if
you add 400 people in a day is likely to the 10% they reciprocate the favor and add you in turn. Result? 40 new followers real ready for you. The mechanism applied is that of follow-back which is replicated with the same logic also for likes and comments.
Do not you believe it? Try it yourself. I'll give you 10 minutes.

Ok, the time is up. I bet you got tired of adding all those profiles one by one, giving like and leaving comments.
Here, now you understand why there are
Bot instagram: to do this job automatically al posto tuo.

La classifica finale 2019

Questa è la classifica dei migliori Bot Instagram 2019 che ho stilato dopo aver confrontato i risultati dei miei test. Il criterio di giudizio usato per stabilire chi fosse il migliore è stato l’efficacia, cioè il numero di follower e likes ottenuti grazie al lavoro del Bot. A seguire ho valutato anche qualità/prezzo, facilità di utilizzo e funzionalità.

1. SocialDroid
2. Gramista
3. Stimsocial
4. Gramto
5. Instazood
6. Socialdrift
7. Instablade
8. Boostgram
9. Instaswell

Guida al setting dei BOT

The very first thing you need to do is enter your username and password, your Instagram account to authorize the Bot to run the automations for you. If the bot does not work try a disable two-factor authentication that you find inside the Instagram settings.
Please, use only the Instagram Bot which declare to treat your data with the utmost confidentiality.

Ok, before you start asking yourself this question: "what's my
target?" Carefully choose to direct the Bot to those profiles that may be of interest to you. How to do?

Most of the Bot Instagram use these 5 automations:

  1. Hashtag
  2. Location
  3. Profili
  4. Commenti
  5. Unfollow

1. Hashtag


Do you want the Bot Instagram bring you so many new followers and likes? Make team play and insert hashtags relevant for your profile and to your goals.

My suggestion, avoids hashtags dedicated to growth such as: # follow4follow, #followback, #followbackteam etc. These hashtags are abused and using them is counterproductive. You would get followers not really interested in you that they would leave at the end of the day or the following day.

Quindi non sparare nel mucchio, individua il tuo pubblico e catturalo con un set di hashtag categories. Unfortunately, the Instagram Bot with an embedded list of hashtags categorized are really rare.
If you do not have the automatic compilation, go to the manual and enter similar hashtag to you and your goals.

Sorry if I insist again, but there is a reason: if you add, you are not really interested in your profile or you will be doing it unfollow or it will be a passive follower, so it will never give your post like and will not look at your stories. Nobody likes to see their followers grow and not see the number of likes grow per post.

Before inserting the hashtag check theirs range, that is the total number of posts, and create a balanced list composed of generic hashtags up to the more specific ones (all of your sector).

2. Location


I start immediately from a practical example to highlight the importance of the locations during the setting of the Instagram Bot.
Are you a fashion blogger, do you have a clothing store, shoes, accessories or love fashion?
Let's say that in your city (for example Milan) there is an important event in the fashion world (for example fashion week). It will be hard for your name to appear on the list of the most exclusive parties or that you receive an invitation to a strictly private show.

What you can do is take advantage of this media event to increase your business, your followers and your likes. Find out the location of the parties and of the fashion shows enter them in the Bot Instagram and you will have a campaign 100% in target.

Ok, now that you know how much the locations are worth, always check their reach and date of posts before inserting them. Who published a photo recently it's more likely that you spare yourself because it means it's an active user.

3. Profiles


You can apply the method of follow -back also adding i followers of profiles similar to yours.
You just need to bring it back into yours Bot Instagram the name of one or more profiles and the game is done. Always check how many followers have the profiles you enter in the Bot: if they have a few, the Bot will stop working after adding them all.

If you do not get big results, you can add users' followers with millions of followers.
In this case the
follow back rate will rise, but you risk having a community that is not very active towards you. I advise you to find a good middle ground in the direction of your target.



Ti è mai capitato di leggere commenti del tipo “ you made my day”, “wow”, “cool” ecc. ? Sono commenti automatici lasciati da Bot Instagram sotto a post che contengono un determinato hashtag. Questo tipo di mezzo ha dei limiti: it's not under your control. There is the risk of leaving comments to posts that you would not really comment. Or you may be referred to by other users because of your fake comments. To make a comment generate follow back or like back  it must be relevant with the photo and not generic. In practice you should do it, not a bot.

5. Unfollow 


The maximum number of profiles you can have in the list of follow-up is of 7500. Se arrivi a questo limite il Bot Instagram si ferma perché non può aggiungere nuovi utenti.

The best Instagram Bot are equipped with automatic unfollow, to avoid having to delete all the added profiles one at a time. Unfortunately, this possibility is not present in all subscriptions. Find out in my ranking quali Bot Instagram offrono l’unfollow automatico anche per l’abbonamento base.

Bot Instagram: things to do and not do.

General advice:

    • Compra follower e like solo da siti sicuri. Il tuo profilo Instagram non deve dipendere unicamente da aiuti esterni e deve camminare sulle proprie gambe. Ti consiglio di ricorrere all’acquisto di follower e like solo se non hai tempo per far crescere il tuo profilo tramite un bot sicuro.  
    • Choose an easy to use Instagram Bot. Se paghi per un servizio, perché diventare scemo per capire come utilizzarlo? Scegli i Bot Instagram più user friendly che ti aiutano passo passo durante il setting. Se vuoi sapere quali sono leggi la mia classifica.
    • Respect your target. I will never tire of repeating it, but growing in target is extremely important. Avoid the Ghost Followers or passive or dormant followers, that is, all those who do not like or comment in your profile. They are just a number, smoke in the eye and lower yours engagement rate.
  • Follower reali ed attivi. È questo ciò che guardano le brand prima di investire sugli influencer: l’engagement rate. Non vince solo chi arriva prima a 100.000 followers, ma chi ci arriva con tanti like per post e views delle storie.
  • Wary of those who promise exaggerated growth. The Instagram Bots make you crescere, but do not think to find yourself soon with more followers of @selenagomez.

Practical advice:

  • Check the scope of the campaign. Fatti aiutare da Bot Instagram che calcolano automaticamente questo dato. Inserisci una decina o più di hashtag, location e profili: e non ci pensare più almeno per un mese.
  • Make a refresh. Change Hashtag, Location and profiles periodically. The world of Instagram is constantly evolving. Create your own database using the folders within Instagram. Save the posts of the new Influencers in your sector, the most popular locations and the most used hashtags. And as soon as you can, update your campaign on the Instagram Bot.
  • Followers must grow in proportion to the likes. If this does not happen, immediately report your campaign and do not worry if your growth will decrease slightly. It's all normal.
  • Turn off activity status. You do not want your girlfriend or boyfriend or your boss to see when you used Instagram last time ?! To avoid explanations like "It's not me, it's my Bot", go on options and disable the activity status. That's how.


Instagram Bot: which one is right for you?


Usually Bot Instagram offer subscriptions that vary depending on the number of automations or services offered. Ask yourself before choosing what kind of user are you, how often do you use Instagram and how many posts you make per day. Instagram tends to monitor the behavior of its users to find anomalies.
If you are a beginner, I suggest you limit the daily automations of your Instagram Bot, because you could be blocked. In fact, more than a block, you would suffer the temporary interruption (about 24 hours) of the function of which you have abused more between: Follow, Like and Unfollow. To not have bad surprises, do at least one or two posts every day and limit to the maximum follow, like and "manual" comments. The Instagram Bot is working in the background, so avoid overlapping it.

How did I choose the best one?

For days I scoured the web searching for Instagram Bots and after finding 30 of them I stopped. To choose the most suitable for my test I have shredded the list doing so:

    • I've not considered the Bots not in English;
    • I held the best known and i more innovative;
    • I have discarded those with a poorly understood interface;
    • I have excluded those too expensive.

At the end there were 9 left and I carried out a test totally impartial with a setting uguale per tutti: stessi hashtag, stesse location e stessi profili. Ho utilizzato ogni Bot per 1 mese.

Confrontando i risultati, ho stilato la classifica e ho trovato i migliori Bot Instagram del 2019. The classification criteria were, in order of importance:

  1. efficacy
  2. price
  3. user friendly
  4. features

Some Bots have disappointed expectations, others have proved to be a revelation. If you have not done it yet, take a look at my classifica! Guarda chi ha vinto quest’anno e perché. And take a test too!

Se ti è piaciuto questo articolo dimmelo via mail e scrivimi per una consulenza gratuita. Se invece vuoi imparare tutte le tecniche di crescita su Instagram, ti consiglio questo articolo. A presto!

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