Instagram Stories: here's how to use them to increase your followers.

The Instagram Stories they will have no more secrets. In this article I will talk to you how to use them to the fullest to increase your followers, likes and engagement.

At the beginning Evan Spiegel he created Snapchat, the ghost messages and the Stories. And Evan saw that they were good. Same Mark Zuckerberg saw that the Snapchat Stories were good and on the seventh day he copied them for Instagram at same image and likeness  

This is the end of the story. But not of Stories.

Ok, now get ready to receive the 4 commandments that you will have to observe to get the most out of each of the 24 hours of your life Instagram stories are a very powerful tool. Find out how to use them to get more followers and views..

1. Surveys awaken the audience and are better than market surveys  

Instagram Stories have introduced a really useful and original feature: the ability to make gods surveys.

  • Do you manage a company profile? You have an extra weapon to know how it is perceived the product or service you are offering.
  • Are you an influencer or a performer? You can know immediately the percentage of satisfaction of the activity in which you are engaged.
  • Not included in the first two option? You can simply use surveys to entertain your followers.

You cannot make the Stories of Instagram and even the polls? Here is the complete explanation.

Tap on the profile image> choose a photo> tap on the sticker icon at the top> tap on survey.


Now invent something that can attract your audience to vote. Instagram premia l’originalità, so always try to tear up a smile or intrigue and you're done.


2 Honor the Hashtag, the Location and the Tag in all Instagram Stories.

Stories are like a post, they must always be indexed! When you make a story, let it be seen as much as possible, to attract new followers. I recommend, always use hashtags, locations and relevant tags. Here is an example:


To make a tag use the snail @ and below without leaving spaces, write the name of the account you want to tag. If everything is correct you should see the pictures of the suggested profiles appear as you type.


P.S. make sure your profile is public or your story will remain private.

3 Advertise to others and others will do it for you.

Instagram Stories they can also be used to do good by improving the karma of your Instagram profile. Advertise profiles that are very similar to yours by subject area, number of followers and likes. The aim is to start the team game, hoping that the favor will be returned to you. Now I'll explain how it works the method that I would baptize "Good return" or more formally "Tag for Tag”.

  • Search for an Instagram profile that is very similar to yours by post, sector, followers and engagement.
  • Take a screenshot of the profile page you found or one of its photos without cutting the account name.
  • Added the tag with the name of his account by writing a cute call to action against him. In short, do a little favour.
  • Publish the story, then repeat the operation with other profiles, at least once a day.


4 If you're too lazy to post, do the Instagram Stories

The sloth you know is a major sin and it is also for Instagram. But Instagram is also good and merciful and if today or tomorrow you do not want to post, you can make up for it with stories. Yes, because it is essential that you do not disappear completely. Otherwise your followers will also disappear. Do not want to spend hours looking for the perfect shot and the most performing hashtags? Mai una storia, anzi fanne più di una al giorno, magari usando mood filters for stories. And when you return to post, tell everyone with a story ad hoc.


P.S. Try to be a little less boor.

Se questo articolo ti è sembrato utile dillo a tutti i tuoi follower in una storia, ma soprattutto scrivimi per scoprire altri modi per increase your followers on Instagram.

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